Terms and conditions
- 1. In these terms and conditions, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
- Recoat: the private company Recoat B.V., having its registered office in Ravenstein (C.O.C. Number: 66162254);
- Other Party: any legal entity or natural person, who has concluded or wishes to conclude an Agreement with Recoat;
- Agreement: all agreements between Recoat and the Other Party concerning the purchase of goods by the Other Party or the purchase of services from Recoat;
- These Terms and Conditions apply to all offers and quotations, Agreements, as well as deliveries and work and any other activities carried out by Recoat. Deviations must be explicitly agreed with us in writing.
- The Other Party waives the conditions of its own. Even if the conditions of the Other Party have a provision with the same purport as that included in the previous sentence, the conditions of Recoat shall take precedence.
- All offers made by Recoat, in whatever form, are without obligation unless explicitly stated otherwise.
- Recoat cannot be held to its quotations or offers if the Other Party can reasonably understand that the quotations or offers, or a part thereof, contain an apparent error or spelling mistake.
- An Agreement with Recoat shall be concluded after Recoat has accepted and/or confirmed an assignment in writing. The order confirmation is deemed to accurately and completely represent the Agreement unless the Other Party has immediately protested against it in writing.
- Any additional agreements or changes made at a later stage are only binding on Recoat if they have been confirmed by Recoat in writing.
- Recoat is entitled, at or after entering into the Agreement, prior to taking (further) action, to demand that the Other Party provides security for the fulfilment of its payment obligations as well as any other obligations.
Article 3: DELIVERY
- From the moment of delivery, the goods purchased are at the risk of the Other Party. Unless agreed otherwise in writing, delivery will take place at the address of the Other Party’s company. Free delivery shall only take place if and insofar as Recoat has agreed this with the Other Party and it is stated on the invoice or otherwise.
- The time of delivery is the time at which the purchased goods are ready for transport.
- The Other Party is obliged to inspect the delivered goods and their packaging immediately upon delivery, in any case within 3 working days, for any shortages and/or damage, or to carry out such verification after we have been informed that the goods are at the disposal of the Other Party.
- Any shortfalls and/or damage to the delivered goods and/or the packaging that are present at the time of delivery must be stated by the Other Party on the delivery note, the invoice and/or the transport documents; failing to do so, the Other Party is deemed to have accepted the delivered goods. In that case, complaints in this respect will no longer be dealt with.
- Recoat is entitled to deliver in parts (partial deliveries), for which Recoat may send separate invoices.
- Specification of the delivery time is always approximate unless explicitly agreed otherwise in writing. Exceeding any delivery period does not entitle the Other Party to compensation.
- The goods that are not collected by the Other Party after the expiry of the delivery period, will be stored at the disposal of the Other Party, at the expense and risk of the Other Party.
Onder overmacht wordt verstaan: elke omstandigheid waarmee Recoat ten tijde van het aangaan der overeenkomst geen rekening kon houden en ten gevolge waarvan de normale uitvoering van de overeenkomst redelijkerwijs niet door de Wederpartij kan worden verlangd zoals; oorlog of oorlogsgevaar, onverschillig of Nederland daarbij al dan niet rechtstreeks betrokken is, gehele of gedeeltelijke mobilisatie, staat van beleg, oproer, sabotage, overstroming, brand of andere vernietigingen in fabrieken of magazijnen en uitsluitingen, zomede toeleveranciers of producenten die, op welke grond dan ook – geheel of gedeeltelijk – hun verplichtingen jegens Recoat niet nakomen. In geval van overmacht heeft Recoat het recht om de overeenkomst te ontbinden, zonder gehouden te zijn tot het betalen van schadevergoeding.
Recoat is at all times entitled to demand advance payment or security from the Other Party before proceeding with the delivery or further delivery. If the Other Party fails to make the required payment in advance or to provide security, any obligation on Recoat to deliver shall lapse, without prejudice to Recoat’s entitlement to compensation of all damages, costs and interests by the Other Party.
All goods delivered remain the exclusive property of Recoat until the moment at which all claims from this or previous deliveries by Recoat against the Other Party have been fully discharged by the Other Party. The goods may be reclaimed by Recoat immediately if the Other Party has not fulfilled its obligations or Recoat has reason to believe that the Other Party will not fulfil its obligations. The costs associated with the return of goods will be charged to the Other Party. The goods shall be credited on the basis of the value that they appear to have upon return. The retention of title stipulated in this Article does not affect the fact that the risk of the use and storage of the delivered goods, all this in the broadest sense of the word, passes to the Other Party from the moment of the actual delivery.
Recoat behoudt zich het recht voor om de goederen te voorzien van eigen naam en fabrieksmerk. De Wederpartij erkent dat de intellectuele eigendomsrechten (auteursrechten, octrooirechten, merkenrechten, handelsnaamrechten etc.) met betrekking tot de van Recoat gekochte goederen, c.q. met betrekking tot de door Recoat ter beschikking gestelde zaken als bijvoorbeeld technische informatiebladen, reclamemateriaal etc. berusten bij Recoat, c.q. bij een van de vennootschappen van de groep waarvan Recoat deel uitmaakt. De Wederpartij zal deze rechten eerbiedigen en is gehouden zich ter zake te gedragen conform de door Recoat gegeven instructies. Het is de Wederpartij niet toegestaan om de van Recoat gekochte goederen te verstrekken aan een andere producten en/of laboratorium.
Insofar as the Other Party observes that the intellectual property rights as referred to in this Article have been infringed by third parties, the Other Party shall be obliged to inform Recoat immediately. The Other Party is not allowed to use any of Recoat’s trademarks or other distinguishing marks as (part of) an internet domain name or alphanumeric telephone number. The Other Party grants Recoat permission to record and use all (sales) information originating from the Other Party in a database. All rights to this database are vested in Recoat.
- Complaints of any nature whatsoever do not suspend the payment obligation of the Other Party and can only be brought to Recoat’s attention in writing within the periods described in this Section.
- No complaint is admissible if the Other Party has processed or delivered the goods when the Other Party could have detected the alleged defect in the goods by simple inspection. No complaint is allowed on the basis of technically unavoidable discrepancies in colours and specifications.
- Complaints regarding defects, incorrect layout, weights, quantities or regarding the packaging and the price charged can only be made within 14 days after delivery of the goods.
- Complaints can only be made within 14 days after the Other Party has discovered the defectiveness of the goods delivered, but in no case later than six months after delivery of the goods. If a shorter shelf life is stated on the packaging, the complaints must be submitted within this period.
- The defectiveness of the products delivered can be demonstrated by the Other Party by all means, on the understanding that only failure to comply with the specifications applicable at Recoat with regard to the product is considered to be a defect.
- The Other Party bears the burden of proof that the goods to which the complaint relates are the same as those delivered by the Recoat.
Article 9: LIABILITY
- Indien Recoat aansprakelijk mocht zijn, dan is deze aansprakelijkheid beperkt tot hetgeen in deze bepaling is geregeld.
- Recoat is niet aansprakelijk voor schade, van welke aard ook, ontstaan doordat Recoat is uitgegaan van door of namens de Wederpartij verstrekte onjuiste en/of onvolledige gegevens.
- Indien Recoat aansprakelijk mocht zijn voor enigerlei schade, dan is de aansprakelijkheid van Recoat beperkt tot maximaal tweemaal de factuurwaarde van de order, althans tot dat gedeelte van de order waarop de aansprakelijkheid betrekking heeft.
- De aansprakelijkheid van Recoat is in ieder geval steeds beperkt tot het bedrag der uitkering van zijn verzekeraar in voorkomend geval.
- Recoat is uitsluitend aansprakelijk voor directe schade. Onder directe schade wordt uitsluitend verstaan de redelijke kosten ter vaststelling van de oorzaak en de omvang van de schade, voor zover de vaststelling betrekking heeft op schade in de zin van deze voorwaarden, de eventuele redelijke kosten gemaakt om de gebrekkige prestatie van Recoat aan de overeenkomst te laten beantwoorden, voor zoveel deze aan Recoat toegerekend kunnen worden en redelijke kosten, gemaakt ter voorkoming of beperking van schade, voor zover de wederpartij aantoont dat deze kosten hebben geleid tot beperking van directe schade als bedoeld in deze algemene voorwaarden.
- Recoat is nimmer aansprakelijk voor indirecte schade, daaronder begrepen gevolgschade, gederfde winst, gemiste besparingen en schade door bedrijfsstagnatie.
- De in dit artikel opgenomen beperkingen van de aansprakelijkheid gelden niet indien de schade te wijten is aan opzet of grove schuld van Recoat of zijn leidinggevende ondergeschikten.
- Heeft de Wederpartij, in geval van een tekortkoming, een of meer van zijn rechten ter zake van die tekortkoming tegen Recoat uitgeoefend, dan heeft Recoat recht op schadevergoeding jegens degene van wie hij de zaak heeft gekocht.
Article 10: INDEMNITY
- The Other Party shall indemnify Recoat against any claims from third parties who suffer damage in connection with the execution of the Agreement and whose cause is attributable to parties other than Recoat.
- If Recoat is liable by third parties on this ground, the Other Party shall be obliged to assist Recoat both in and out of court and to do immediately all that may be expected of it in that case. If the Other Party remains in default in taking adequate measures, Recoat shall be entitled to take such action itself, without any notice of default being required. All costs and damage on the part of Recoat and third parties resulting therefrom shall be entirely at the expense and risk of the Other Party.
Article 11: PAYMENTS
- Unless otherwise stipulated, the Other Party is obliged to pay the invoices within 14 days of the invoice date without deduction of any discount. Settlement with any claim against Recoat is excluded.
- If the Other Party fails to pay an invoice on time, the Other Party will be in default by operation of law. In that case the Other Party will owe an interest of 1% per month unless the statutory interest rate is higher, in which case the statutory interest rate will be due. The interest on the amount due and payable will be calculated from the moment that the Other Party is in default until the moment of payment of the full amount due and payable.
- Only those payments that have been made in the manner indicated by Recoat are valid. Recoat is free to deduct any payments received from the outstanding costs, the interest due and from the oldest outstanding invoices, even if the Other Party has indicated that a payment is intended to be set off against a certain invoice or if the amount transferred shows that the Other Party intended to pay a certain invoice.
- If the Other Party is in default due to the expiry of the payment term, Recoat shall be entitled to claim the amount due to it by law, without any further demand for payment being required. Recoat is entitled to terminate all agreements concluded with the Other Party if the Other Party fails to fulfil the obligation arising from an agreement concluded with Recoat, if the Other Party is granted a suspension of payments or if the Other Party is declared bankrupt.
- In addition to the amount due, Recoat is entitled to claim from the Other Party all costs caused by non-payment on the part of the Other Party, both judicial and extrajudicial collection costs.
Article 12: DISPUTES
- All legal relationships to which Recoat is a party are exclusively governed by Dutch law, also if an obligation is performed abroad in whole or in part or if the party involved in the legal relationship is domiciled there. The applicability of the Vienna Sales Convention (CISG) is excluded.
- The court in the place of business of Recoat is exclusively competent to take cognisance of disputes unless the law prescribes otherwise. Nevertheless, Recoat shall be entitled to bring dispute before the court of competent jurisdiction according to the law.