Professional & Innovative
Coating Solutions.

Recoat The problem solver for all surfaces.

Stainless Steel solutions

Anti-graffiti solutions

UV Flooring solutions

Floor solutions

Roof solutions

Innovative coating solutions

At Recoat, we focus on the development and production of innovative coatings that are sustainable, efficient, and easy to use. Our water-based coatings contain minimal solvents, making them environmentally friendly and safe to use. They can be applied to virtually any surface. We work exclusively through a network of distributors, which means we do not cater to the individual end user, but we do provide the right coating solutions for professionals in the industry. Our team continually invests in the development of new products and the optimization of our existing coatings, with the goal of optimally protecting your surfaces and extending their lifespan.

Recoat solutions

Floor One XS (R12)

  • Anti-slip R12
  • For  indoor and outdoor use
  • Good chemical resistance

Anti Graffiti Mat

  • Graffiti easy and quick to remove.
  • Effective protection against litter such as posters and stickers.
  • Graffiti easily removed with the various Recoat graffiti and marker removers

Stainless Steel Protector

  • No more fingerprints
  • Matt protective layer
  • For protection of stainless steel and aluminum

About Recoat

Recoat BV is a collaboration of various companies focused on developing sustainable coatings for a wide range of surfaces. Our team of chemists and maintenance specialists works closely together to create environmentally friendly products suitable for different sectors. With over a hundred years of combined experience in the chemistry and maintenance industries, we guarantee coatings of exceptional quality. At Recoat, we see ourselves as problem solvers: you present a challenge, and we develop a suitable coating system.

Our ongoing pursuit of innovation has led to products that are not only easy to apply but also extraordinarily durable. Our long-term vision is aimed at optimally supporting customers while extending maintenance and cleaning cycles, which ultimately results in reduced water usage, fewer chemicals, and lower maintenance costs.

Our products contribute to a better environment by extending the lifespan of materials, thereby delaying or even preventing replacement. Additionally, our coatings reduce the frequency of cleaning, resulting in further environmental benefits. Recoat develops coatings that protect surfaces from dirt adhesion, water, graffiti, discoloration, and weathering.